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How To: Make Paper Stars For The Holidays

I’ve been holding out a bit on the holiday decor, but it is 2020 — and anything goes. I saw this DIY on my girl Deb’s instagram (@beaconvalleyhome) and HAD to try it. And guess what, it’s as easy as it looks. For once in my life, I swear that this time lapse video is close to how much time it actually takes to make these!

This year, my theme for our Christmas decor is … A Moroccan Christmas! *pause for quotes from The Office.” These paper stars fit perfectly into my theme and I couldn’t be more excited. Plus… they didn’t cost me a thing.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Brown paper bags

  • Glue (Deb used liquid glue, but I only had a glue stick on hand)

  • Scissors

  • Pen/pencil

Step 1

Glue SEVEN paper bags together. The glue should be applied in a “T” formation to the flat side of the bag (sans the fold). Stack the bags on top of each other.

Step 2

Depending on how large you want the star to be you can trim the top of the bag, where the opening is. I created one star without trimming it at all and it’s huge! But so cool. Trim 2-4 inches off the top for a small star.

Step 3

Once you’ve decided if you’re going to trim the bag or not, you’ll want to cut the ends of the bag into a point. Again, this is the side with the opening. I just eye-balled it, but if you prefer to be exact, measure 4 inches down from the top and create a diagonal cut on each side that creates a point.

Step 4

Unfold the bags to see the star! Glue together the seams so that the star stays open.

Step 5

Use a hole punch to make a small hole in the top of the star. Now you can thread some twine though the hole to hang the stars.

These stars are so easy and make a huge impact in any space. Be sure to tag me in any that you create!