10 Ways to Use White Vinegar in Your Cleaning Routine

From kitchens to bathrooms, white vinegar works as a go-to solution for a cleaner, fresher home, without the need for the use of harsh cleaning chemicals. 

Whether you are looking to disinfect your kitchen countertops or freshen up your upholstery, the acidic property of white vinegar makes it the perfect solution to achieve a multitude of cleaning needs throughout various parts of the home. 

Scrub your kitchen countertops 

White vinegar’s PH level makes it the perfect cleaning solution for cutting through grease and grime. 

However, not all kitchen worktops are suitable for being cleaned with white vinegar. Avoid using white vinegar on granite or marble worktops, as the acidity of the vinegar will damage them. For other materials, just add equal measures of white vinegar and warm water to a spray bottle and wipe down the worktops after each use. 

Neutralize pet odors on carpets and rugs

Pet odors can be difficult to remove from carpets and rugs following an accident. Fortunately, a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water can be mixed to neutralize these odors. 

Simply spray the solution to the area and leave it to sit for ten minutes before blotting with a damp cloth. 

Deodorize your microwave

Food smells can linger in your microwave and can be difficult to get rid of, even with an intensive cleaning regime. To deodorize your microwave and leave it smelling fresh, simply add ½ cup of white vinegar with a ½ cup of warm water in a microwaveable bowl. 

Microwave the solution on full power for 3 -5 minutes, and then leave the bowl to sit in the closed microwave for a further 15 minutes. This will neutralize lingering food odors and leave your microwave smelling fresh. Take a damp cloth and use the solution to wipe any remaining food stains from inside the microwave.

Clean your windows for a streak-free shine 

Equal parts white vinegar and warm water make for the perfect glass cleaning solution, helping to leave your windows gleaming and free from streaks. 

Add equal parts of vinegar and water to a spray bottle, and try adding a few drops of dish soap to help the solution really cut through the grease and grime. Apply the solution to the windows around the home and wipe with a damp cloth or towel. 

Descale your stainless steel pots and pans 

The acidity of white vinegar makes it the perfect solution for removing any traces of food or other marks from your stainless steel pans, leaving them looking shiny and brand-new. Just add equal parts water and white vinegar to your pans. Add a few drops of lemon juice and bring the solution to the boil. 

Once boiled, leave the solution to rest in the pans for around 10 minutes before emptying. Wipe down your empty stainless steel pans with a damp cloth to remove any excess food.

Kill mold and mildew

The acidic PH level of white vinegar means that it can even prevent the growth and can kill mold around the home. Spray undiluted white vinegar on the area where mold is growing and leave it to sit for at least an hour. 

After an hour, the mold should have fully absorbed the solution. Create a solution of warm water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Spray the solution or pour it directly onto the mold before scrubbing the mold with a sponge or scouring pad. You should find that the mold chips away with ease as both solutions work in unison. 

Mop your floors, but be mindful of the materials 

For gleaming floors around the home, create a solution of white vinegar and warm water. However, it’s important to be mindful that the acidity of white vinegar can damage certain flooring types, such as hardwood floors. To avoid stripping the coating on the wood, the solution needs to be highly diluted, so you only need to add ½ cup of white vinegar to a gallon of water. 

When mopping, it’s important not to soak the floor with the solution, so ensure that you are ringing out the mop after several strokes. If you want to add a fresh scent, consider adding a few droplets of your favorite essential oils to the solution, leaving your floors sparkling and also smelling fresh. 

Freshen up upholstery 

It isn’t just hard surfaces around the home that you can treat with white vinegar - it can even be used to freshen up and deodorize your upholstery and soft furnishings. 

Simply mix a ½ cup of white vinegar with water in a spray bottle and spray your upholstery furniture. And don’t worry about the smell, once the area dries, the smell of vinegar will dissipate, leaving your furniture smelling fresh. 

Leave your bathroom sparkling 

White vinegar can be used to give a fresh gleam to all different parts of your bathroom. 

To clean your toilet, pour a generous amount of white vinegar into the toilet bowl and leave it to sit overnight without flushing. The next morning, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into the toilet bowl and then scrub the area with a brush. 

To clean your bathroom taps, mix equal parts white vinegar with warm water and soak a cloth in the solution to clean your taps.

When removing dirt from your shower head, it’s recommended to empty a bottle of white vinegar into a plastic bag and then tie the bag around your shower head. Leave this overnight before removing and rinsing thoroughly, which will then remove any debris from the shower head. 

Kill the weeds in your garden 

It’s not just the interior of your home that white vinegar can work its magic on - the substance can even be used to rid your garden of weeds. Mix 1 gallon of white vinegar with 1 cup of salt and leave the solution to sit for a few minutes. 

Add a small amount of dish soap before adding the solution into a spray bottle and spray the weeds in your garden. However, be mindful that white vinegar will only kill the exposed part of the weeds, and the roots will remain and will eventually need to be treated again.

Content credit: Ultimate Mats


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